So I've been pretty stressed. We leave in a few days for Alaska, and I'm just not ready. My bike's been apart, waiting for improvements from my last trip. My garage is a mess, I'm not packed, and I haven't really planned the trip aside from knowing our destination and knowing that getting there in our timeline is GOING TO BE IMPOSSIBLE.
Anyway, I went to Dad's for Father's Day, and found this (image to right). What that is, is a clean garage, in which sits an an expertly packed KLR, in great condition, cleaned up, with factory wax still on the unused tires, with keys in the ignition. It's just waiting for a rider to hop on to tear it's way across Canada to the 49th state.
And here's my situation. Tools and parts surrounding a bike that is LITERALLY held together with zip ties. It's not packed, it's not even fully assembled. And I've never been more worried about my motorcycle not making it to where I'm pointing it. Suddenly, riding through 48 states of the U.S. sounds incredibly easy. It's only the last two that really provide a challenge.
This is also to point out our different styles of preparation. Dad has a newer bike, and is resisting riding it to keep it fresh, for the long journey ahead of us. I bought an older bike. Already well-used. And I have ridden it across 8 states and back, adding thousands of miles to the odometer just to "work out the kinks" before I take it on a REAL trip. And I'm glad I did, because I learned that my bike really can't carry me and 110 lbs of gear on the back more than 1500 miles.
Anyway, I'm still stressed. A week to go and I'm blogging instead of packing. Better get to it.
I have a lot of confidence in you, Nic, and I am so glad that you guys have each others backs!